Thursday, January 29, 2009

Little Kissy Homemaker at the top of her game

Yeah, I'm gonna toot my own horn for a bit.

This morning by 10:00 I had:
  1. washed the pans from last night's date night
  2. sorted the laundry and put a load in
  3. put clean sheets on the guest room bed in preparation for Sonny's sitter next weekend
  4. started a pot of gravy
  5. hemmed a pair of pants
  6. prepared for the school and service meeting--we do bookstudy prep together
Then I slept from 10:30 to 11:20 when Dad called. Oh, I also managed to eat a bowl of cereal and share a banana with the dog.

I have laundry to fold, a bike to ride, a shower to take, and a dinner to make. (I'm a poet!) I bet I squeeze another nap in, too. I took two benadryl last night. It knocks me out for days.

I know it's not exciting but that is my day.

Catch ya later.


Allegra said...

very very proud of you!!


drevas said...

It's nice to see your homemaking skills are so well-rounded. Here's a question for you (possibly a blog topic): How do you fold a fitted sheet to fit nicely in the linen closet with the other sheets/pillowcases?

Megan Lynn said...

oh Danielle...Even I know that turn it inside out and fold it by the corner of the seams. I think I saw that in Real Simple.

KMag said...

I have taken to folding my sheets inside out. I just unfold them onto the bed. I also put my sheets inside a pillowcase...then the sets stay together. Maybe this could be a blog topic. I'll think about it.

drevas said...

Yes sister, I did remember the inside out corner thing. But then I was thinking that was Martha Stewart folding a t-shirt.

Jenn said...

Impressive! what time did you get up?