Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mexican Date Night Recap

It was a resounding success!

Highlights--quesadillas. Very easy, very tasty.

Also the Mexican coffee. It's a shame that it's inadvisable to drink coffee with booze in it for breakfast. It was really, really good.

And I don't think I will ever bake brownies without adding cinnamon to the party. What a difference that made. The cherry chipotle whipped cream was, well, I found it a little odd, but Josh liked it. He did not think, as I did, that the adobo sauce (which is what was added to the cream) tasted like burning tires. To each his own, I guess.

As to the reminders that I still owe you 2 more vacation entries...I don't want to. When I get to Venice, my vacation is over. I don't want it to be over. I don't want to be home. I do have pictures that I want to share with you all, so I imagine that I'll get there...eventually. On my own time...so stop hounding me.

That's all folks...Kristen out!


kate said...

For those of us who are vacationing vicariously through you, we need the last two days of pictures and comments. You don't have to rush because our "vacation" will also come to an end with the final blog about it.

PWNort64 said...

I hate to telly you sweetie, but you already are home. Think of it as revisiting those places by writing the recaps.