Sunday, October 26, 2008

Holiday in SC

For those of you who don't know, I'm off to SC tomorrow for a week of puppy sitting, and shopkeeping, and dog training, and hanging out with Grandmom, and cooking, and mostly loving on my Allen Boy. Maybe I'll be able to check in over the next week, but if not I'm sure I will have lots share next month.

In the mean time, I need to get some stuffed shells in the oven for Josh. They've been in the freezer in preparation for my trip, and now I will finish them so it will be just like his has leftovers. I'm also going to move a container of the Irish Beef and Stout Stew that I made a few days ago from the freezer to the fridge. Again, leftovers. I dragged him to the grocery store with me yesterday to make sure that he had all that he needed (especially for his lunches). He didn't exactly kick and scream, but he did pout a little bit. ("Do I have ice cream?")

I'm really just procrastinating about packing, and I have to put an end to it now.


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