Friday, January 16, 2009

Sonny's adventure

My poor dog. He hasn't had any food since Wednesday morning.

"Why?," you ask. He ate part of our bath mat on Tuesday night. It didn't digest too well. He vomited 7 times in 30 hours. (You should see my's kinda camouflage looking.) I took him to the vet yesterday morning, around 10:15. (We had a high temp of...are you ready for this...0! All for the love this dog.).

She looked him over and right away said that he was dehydrated and recommended that he have IV fluids. She wanted to xray his abdomen to look for a blockage. We did that. No blockage visible, but she said she saw a lot of stool and that could hide a blockage. She said it could be pancreatitis...that would cause vomiting in dogs. There was a specific blood test for that. She also wanted to test his other organ groups, because the onset of diabetes or a liver problem could present with vomiting. More blood tests.

So at 11:45 I left him there to get fluids and blood tests and went to the grocery store. Rather than put him on a prescription food, I decided I would make him a bland diet. By 3:00 I had made him boiled potatoes and chicken. I can't let him have any until this afternoon. (I did toss him 4 cheerios and a very, very small bite of banana with my breakfast. Everything has stayed down.)

Josh and I went to pick him up at 6:00 last night. I think he was very happy to see us. He did vomit once while we were at the meeting. It had a large wad of bath mat in it. Josh thought maybe that was at least half of what he had eaten. I'm hoping that will be the last expelled in that fashion.

No more vomit stories. He did sleep soundly through the night (under my nightstand...I checked on him several times). Right now he is asleep on "his" sofa in the sun. I will probably try to hand feed him some of his special food in a little bit. My "grill guru" just called with several dog vomit cleaning suggestions. So we'll see what a little dish soap and warm water will do.


drevas said...

Poor pupppy. Cute photo though.

Allegra said...

i'm very worried about my nephew. please give him kisses from us, and keep us updated.
