Monday, June 1, 2009

energy and Spoons

Having spent three wonderful days at the District Convention, I am worn out.

I am also taking part in and MS fatigue management teleconference. It just began this past Thursday and will continue each Thursday through the First week in July.

I have already learned some good skills. But the first weeks topic reminded me of this story that I read online several years ago. I want to be able to share it with my new friends and also with my old friends. I figured the best way to do that would be to link to it here.

So here goes: this is the Spoon Story.

I hope you follow the link, enjoy the story, and understand a little bit more about life with MS and, really, most other autoimmune diseases.


PWNort64 said...

Thanks for sharing that link. It was an excellent analogy. I miss you.

Colleen said...

Very insightful, thank you.