Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sonny kisses

I think Sonny is finally better.

He was at the vet most of the day on Thurs, and then vomited while we were at meeting.

Friday was good.

Saturday he puked.

Sunday was good.

Monday he puked, but this time he had the courtesy to do it outside while on his walk. When I got home from running some errands and getting my teeth cleaned, he demanded I feed him. Seriously. I had offered him some cheerios earlier and he rejected them, but they were sill near his bowl. He ate them all. Then turned around, sat down, and proceeded to bark his fool head off until I gave him some food. I had made him boiled chicken and potatoes last week. He ate all the chicken and left the potatoes. When he got hungry again, he ate the potatoes. So I fed him again. Josh fed him a third time while I was preparing dinner.

He has not vomited today, he made a good poo outside, and then ate breakfast. He's been playing and giving me lots of kisses. My Sonny dog seems to be back to me.

On a personal note, I'm trying to eat better and exercise more. I rode my bike for 6.9 miles yesterday. I'm not bragging...it took me 30 minutes over a 45 minute period to do that. I'm just hoping to get some encouragement from across cyberspace. Thanks!


PWNort64 said...

Glad to hear that Sonny is better. The whole puking thing doesn't sound fun from either the puker or cleaner-upper aspect.

On the bike riding thing, YEAH for you. Now if I could get my sorry butt back to the gym. Keep up the momentum!

Allegra said...

yay sonny-dog. so happy he's feeling better. allen must have known he was feeling better because he kept saying, "sonny!" and laughing hysterically.

woohooo for you and the bike!
